Monday, October 25, 2010


Yay its me! hehehe

Thats the picture of my desk at ExsaMap where I spent the last 2 years workin' there :D
Many great things happens during that moment.
I've met lots of great people, friends and colleague.
Learn many things especially about IT (one thing that I do really hate during college XD)

After leaving them for about 7 months..  I do miss the moment when I was there..

Here's the picture of DBA & Data Prep team :)

from left to right: 
up: Dheriyanto, Rguntur, Airawan, Mbekti, Gputra, Eprasetiyo
down: Vayuningtyas (me), Swahyuni, Selsyawitri

The only thing that remains is not only our photographs but also our lasting friendship guys ^_^

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